How do you manage your work online?

by Melanie

I don’t know about you, but I work in front of a computer….all day. After 8 hours of doing work, my contacts slowly deteriorating from crazy super computer rays, the last thing I want to do when I get home is….go on the computer.

But I sort of need to. I need to look for permanent work, apply for jobs, write and update this blog, post on twitter (oh yes, I DID just start a twitter. follow me?), respond to personal emails and the like. So my question to you fabulous multi-tasking professionals, how do you manage your work online?

On one hand, I think I am good at multi-tasking and can accomplish several things at the same time. On the other hand, I feel like with all this technology I have ADD. I am clicking refresh on my email, checking if I received a text, looking at facebook for updates, trolling on twitter, being amazed I have some readers when I check out my blog stats, looking at other blogs, checking my bank account, checking Idealist, Indeed, Simply Hired, LinkedIn, Craigslist, Taskrabbit, looking at google maps, scouring travel sites for no reason. The list is endless really. With all this information, sometimes I think it’s too much.

I come home and I want to unplug. I want to eat dinner, drink wine, maybe watch some Anthony Bourdain and fantasize about my next adventure. Sometimes I force myself to continue working, sometimes I simply surrender to my technological fatigue.

It’s not that I don’t love connecting online, writing, and of course searching for jobs (shoot me). I do. It’s just that I am simply exhausted from the screen. I am trying to test exactly when I am most productive, at what time, and how much time I need between working at work and working on my personal things.

What works best for you?

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Budget & the Beach March 8, 2013 - 4:16 pm

Well I used to have problems with this more, but I’m getting some great tips reading the four hour work week. Now if I have an important task, I have to shut down fb, twitter, etc. I’m still working on blocking out time for specific tasks, but it’s getting a little easier. As far as blogging, I have to admit one thing. As I grew, so did my list of blogs I read, but if I read and comment all the time on someone’s blog and the never interact with me, then I move on from reading their blog. I just want to dedicate time to people who interact with me. Seems only fair. 🙂

doordebt March 8, 2013 - 4:26 pm

That’s a great tip. I want to read the Four Hour Work week, but have been hesitant to do so. I think prioritizing and connecting with people that support you is so important!

alwayshungry4 March 8, 2013 - 5:26 pm

I can relate to the ADD with all the sites, texts, and shows. I force myself to go offline an hour right before bed and usually take an hour or so off after work where I mostly cook/bake, but I’d like reduce it more. There’s just so many interesting blogs to learn from and relate to, though, so it’s finding a balance with this new discovery.

debtperception March 8, 2013 - 5:47 pm

I haven’t found what works for me yet. I need to pry myself away from the computer more often. I don’t even have a real job and I’m always glued to technology.

Girl Meets Debt (@girlmeetsdebt) March 8, 2013 - 6:16 pm

I want to unplug more often as well but since my BF is such a workaholic and since his work requires him to sit in front of the computer, I find myself sitting in front of my computer too. It’s that or watch TV so blogging seems the better option lol

live,love, and debt free March 8, 2013 - 6:56 pm

You have described what I do at the present time, with work and at home. I feel that we must unplug the technologies more often to get intouch with our true self and remember that there is a world outside of our computers, phones and tv’s. I hope to make this year more of unplugging when I get home and just relax. Work will always be there tomorrow.

John S @ Frugal Rules March 8, 2013 - 8:22 pm

I can totally relate. Working from home we are always on the computer. Add that to the fact that I can always find a way to waste an hour or five on the net I can tend to go a little over the top. I have to have a hard and fast cut off time when I get off the compute and phone…otherwise it just will not happen.

cashrebel March 8, 2013 - 11:36 pm

I know what you mean. I’ve found diminishing returns if I try to work on a screen for any longer than 8 hours. My buddies in school never understood this. I’d study for a few hours and then go to sleep because I didn’t think more studying would translate into a much better grade. I think you do what you can while you’ve got focus, and then you chill out and worry about the rest of life.

Trish @ Finances With Funk March 9, 2013 - 1:56 pm

I think everyone who is running an online business feels your pain. Discipline is a process.

For me, I have to schedule my time and I always get up early with a plan. So if I have already laid out what I need to accomplish then I just can pick up that next job and go do it. It keeps me focused rather than randomly trying to do everything and never getting anything actually done. There is a difference between doing work online, and just being online. I have to get a little tough on myself at times.

Kevin Watts@ Graduatingfromdebt March 11, 2013 - 11:14 pm

I also work in front of a computer and then come home to blog and sit again in front of a computer. To be honest, it is tough but I tell myself that this a sacrifice you make in order to get the things you want.

eemusings March 18, 2013 - 2:08 am

Oh, I definitely struggle with this. I work all day online, I freelance online, much of my spare time is spent online (blogging and social media). I try to unplug on weekends, and resist checking work emails outside of work. I’m also terrible at replying to texts right away.

I need to hang in there as we’re going travelling soon and will hardly spend any time online, so right now all the time spent freelancing and doing travel research will pay off.

Amanda June 19, 2014 - 3:26 pm

For me it’s cutting out the distractions while I’m working from home. Trying to blog in front of the TV takes me two or three or four times as long as it would if I just shut the thing off and did my work. I’m also finding that having a designated space to work helps. Even sitting in my living room with the TV off, I don’t get as much done as I do when I move to my office.

It’s hard to find that balance though! Make sure you are taking time for yourself every day so don’t burn out!

Melanie June 20, 2014 - 8:41 am

Taking a lot of breaks helps, but it’s hard sometimes when all your work is online, ya know?


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