My Favorite Tools to Stay Organized and on Task

by Melanie

As a new freelancer, I’ve learned a ton about staying on task and getting organized. I thought I was pretty organized before, but I realized that as a freelancer you need to be on top of your game or else you will suffer the consequences. When you have to follow-up about payments, stay on top of taxes, and emails are coming through at all hours, organization is key. Here are my favorite tools to stay organized and on task.

Google Tools

My second home is my email. I schedule everything in my calendar. If it’s not there, it doesn’t exist. In addition, I’ve made folders for all my clients and important projects. When I see people like my boyfriend who have thousands of emails in their inbox, I shudder. I’m not obsessed with inbox zero like some people, but I’m about inbox organized, so I rely on folders for that. I leave pertinent things that need catching up on in my inbox. I also do all my writing in Google Drive, which helps me save my work automatically and have it organized by client folder so it’s easy to access later.


Sidekick has been a total game-changer for me. I send out a lot of important emails and things that are time-sensitive. Because of this, when someone doesn’t respond, I often wonder, did they get my email? Well, Sidekick notifies you if people open your email! This has completely changed the way I run my business and how I follow-up with people. Enjoy a free month on me (no payment required upfront).


I use Asana to track all my deadlines and tasks. You can enter tasks, set deadlines, and add followers which is helpful if you are working with a group. I love the email reminders, as well as the organized workspace. The phone app leaves little to be desired, but I’m on my laptop most of the time.


Even though I loathe PayPal fees, it is easy to get paid and send invoices using PayPal when you are working as a freelancer. It’s great to see invoices in one place, keep track of payments, and manage clients. For others that don’t have an online business, but have a retail business, you can track your data, sales, payments, and growth.

Focus Booster

This is a useful timer that is based on the pomodoro technique, which states we work better with frequent breaks. The timer is set to 25-minutes, and then is set for a 5-minute break. I find this great for timing my freelance work and also reminding myself to take breaks!

Songza or Focus at Will

I love music and I just work better with it. I love listening to Songza which offers curated stations based on your emotions, preferences, interests, and more. I think it is 100x better than Pandora. I love listening to Blank Page, Melancholy Morning, Girls Night Pregame Jams (ha!), and much more. Also, Focus at Will is another great music option when I’m looking to really get in the zone. Focus at Will uses neuroscience to help you stay focused. I have no idea how it works, but I dig it. It’s free for thirty days, then a nominal fee. Haven’t forked over any money yet, but I like it.

What other tools do you use to stay organized?

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Athena November 3, 2014 - 10:05 am

I live on my work laptop and moving everything over to Google docs would be a much better solution and clear up space. Thanks for the recommendation!

Melanie November 3, 2014 - 4:19 pm

It’s so helpful and easy to access! Glad you find it useful.

Leslie Beslie November 3, 2014 - 1:05 pm

The best timer I’ve found is Egg Timer:

You don’t even need an interface just type in the url the amount of time you need like and there ya go.

I loove the Pomodoro method at work.

Melanie November 3, 2014 - 4:16 pm

Nice! I’ll give it a try!

Tonya@Budget and the Beach November 3, 2014 - 3:55 pm

I love the idea of sidekick. I feel like maybe I’m a bit of a lurker into their world but man sometimes it gets frustrating to not get a response and you always wonder if maybe it got lost or something.

Melanie November 3, 2014 - 4:07 pm

I know it does seem a bit creepy, but I LOVE it. I’m always paranoid if I don’t get a response in a reasonable time frame, so it is helpful to know they opened it. Then I can craft an appropriate follow-up.

Catherine November 3, 2014 - 4:00 pm

I really need to get more organized with my online life! Thanks for the tips 🙂

Melanie November 3, 2014 - 4:05 pm

Thanks! Glad it could help! 🙂

Melissa @ Sunburnt Saver November 3, 2014 - 8:56 pm

I definitely need to utilize Google better – I like the idea of folders. While my inbox isn’t super crazy, it does get messy and having things organized by project would be great! Thanks for sharing 🙂

Melanie November 4, 2014 - 11:16 pm

You’re welcome! Creating folders by project is super helpful.

Megan @ MeganAndEggs November 4, 2014 - 4:23 pm

It drives me crazy when people have a ton of emails unread in their email. I am a big fan of folders and keeping it organized also. Great list.

Melanie November 4, 2014 - 9:59 pm

Thanks! Organizing everything in folders is so efficient!


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