Dear Debt, You Almost Killed Me

by Melanie

Hey debt fighters! We have a heartfelt, vulnerable dear debt letter this week from Lynn. Please be kind to yourself and remember you are not alone. You are not a loan. If you need help, please seek support. 

Dear Debt,

Of all the weight I carry yours is the heaviest. You take my breath at night when I’m trying to sleep.  You occupy my thoughts constantly. You remind me I have no worth, no hope, and no future. You make me bitter and angry inside at friends who are in better financial shape than I am. In January you almost killed me.

I’m putting the weight down. I cannot carry it anymore. I have no plan and my financial situation is worse now than ever, but I’m choosing to put the backpack of boulders you’ve had me carry across my shoulders on the floor.

I pray for a miracle daily and that you’ll disappear from my life. I ask the universe that a ton of money might appear in my mailbox and maybe it will, maybe it won’t.

Regardless, you won’t define me anymore. I cannot give you my happiness or my self-worth for one more moment. You will not take an ounce of joy from me.  You are just a number.


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Terrisue July 17, 2018 - 4:33 pm

OMG….this is so me. Thank you for this letter posting…gives me more insight, and helps to know I am not the only one feeling this way…but no more thanks to you😅. I recently became single mom after separation with my son’s father and struggling bad over the year, ya even now no sleep, depression, anxiety about the debt and how far down I am for the 1st time in my life. Your letter has help me…I too will not let it destroy me no more😊.

Anthony Goff July 21, 2018 - 1:21 pm

>You occupy my thoughts constantly

Honestly this is the worst part of debt… the constantly thinking about it, the constant weighing on your mind. The debt collectors calling barely even compares to the way it weighs you down and makes it impossible to think about anything else.


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