Five women personal finance bloggers — all of whom have worked in creative professions — have joined to write this series about being an artist and making money. Please see…
I know many of us are already thinking about 2016 and planning to make it our best year yet. I am too. At the top of my list? Making more…
I just had to send in my bio for one of my gigs. I always have a hard time with bios. What should I say? Should I be smart? Funny?…
I’m so excited to see my blog lookin’ all sexy and fresh! So fresh and so clean. I haven’t been thrilled about any of the blog designs I’ve had –…
I don’t know about you but I hate buying things with lots of chemicals in it. For this reason, I generally steer clear of beauty and cleaning products. In the…
I have a background in the arts, and have also worked in nonprofits my whole life, so I feel like I know a thing or two about being broke. It’s…