Dear Debt, I Deserve Better

by Melanie

Today’s dear debt letter, as part of the #DitchYourDebt challenge, comes from R.

Dear Debt,

F$*& YOU very much!!!

I cannot decide exactly when we met.  I believe it happened even before you were “mine”.  I remember hearing, “it’s ok, just put it on the card” at such a young age that I believed you were a reliable friend.  I learned that you were the friend that was a natural part of life.  Therefore, we would always be together, and yet you would always be one step ahead.

I made the mistake early on of believing that I could keep up with you. I always thought that I would be able to pay your needs with my next paycheck, my next raise, my next job.  So we’d go to the mall and pay for the outfit for the next interview, pay for the furniture for the next move to a new state, and pay for my basic necessities while I looked for a job. Then you laughed at me when I couldn’t pay you back.

I was dependent on you like a cruel joke.  I always believed that we were in it together as I worked toward the next seminar, the next school, the next trip, to forward my life or my education, only to see that you left me desperate and in need to pay you off once again.

You were the reason why I got to do so many things and yet at the same time you have kept me from doing other things.  It’s almost abusive.  I know you are going to hurt me again and yet I continue to come back.

Well, I’M DONE!!!!

I am NO LONGER going to abuse myself this way.  I DESERVE better and I’m smarter than this.  I can stand on my own two feet and I DON’T NEED YOU!!

GOODBYE DEBT, I’m moving on!


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Natalie @ Financegirl October 19, 2015 - 6:12 am

I could certainly stand on my own two feet a lot better without student loan debt! I assume this is consumer debt and the debt helped the person live their lifestyle. For me, I would have so much more money to do that but for going to law school.

Mike October 19, 2015 - 11:22 am

The most important thing is acknowledging the debt and deciding your going to get rid of it! your halfway there!

Kate @ Money Propeller October 19, 2015 - 8:42 pm

“I know you are going to hurt me again and yet I continue to come back.” Oh, that word, I can really relate with that one!

Melanie October 21, 2015 - 12:47 pm

Right? It’s so good!


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