Dear Debt, This is Goodbye

by Melanie

Today’s dear debt letter, as part of the #DitchYourDebt challenge, comes from Stephanie. Stephanie is a mentor to mothers who are ready to shift their motherhood into a place of magic and bliss. She has been struggling to get rid of her debt for good, and is finally taking the leap to the next level of transformation to be debt free! As she continues to free up her head, heart and life of her debt the simplicity and peace that will follow will have a ripple effect!

Dear Debt,

You have been with me for over 10 years. I remember when we first connected. I felt so excited about being able to have it all. The bummer is, you have it all. I misunderstood our relationship. I thought it would be a giving, fulfilling adventure of never-ending excitement. In reality it is me giving you over $500 a month and constantly transferring to different cards, just to stay in front of interest and fees.

Well, I am finished with you. I am no longer interested in your fake security. I am no longer interested in your handouts. I will save my way to adventure and fulfillment and find true peace! I am no longer willing to hand you my energy, my worth, and my life. I am leaving the past in the past and saying hello to the beautiful present.

I am free and ready to soar far from the chains of my past, like honeymoon fun from 5 years ago, night clubs that I went to before I had children, and interest and charges from impulse purchases. I am no longer that girl. I now know the joy in saving for whatever it is I truly want. I know the universe provides me with all that I need in each moment. So this is goodbye. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to fully know what I don’t want, so that I can begin the adventure with savings and investments, two things I am ready to marry!



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1 comment

Tonya@Budget and the Beach October 14, 2015 - 7:56 am

Best of luck Stephanie!


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