On #TheRoad2016: What is Financial Wellness?

by Melanie

The following blog post is part of The Road to Financial Wellness blog tour. The Road to Financial Wellness is a three-month, grassroots campaign promoting financial empowerment on a national level and encourages people to pursue their dream lifestyle. Find out more about local events near you.


This is the second year in a row I am organizing the Road to Financial Wellness blog tour (there’s still time if you want to participate!). This year, though, I’m also helping out with more events and will be going to NYC this weekend to help out with the launch.

I remember last March, Jason from Phroogal called me and told me his crazy idea of going around the country to talk about financial wellness. It was unprecedented. Bold. And quite frankly, a bit crazy. But I fell in love with the idea and got on board. This year we’re doing it even bigger and better and going to 50 cities across the U.S.

Now that we’re in our second year of doing The Road to Financial Wellness, we get a lot of questions about financial wellness. Namely, what is it?

You know we talk a lot about our physical health and conversations around mental health are starting to take place. But many people still don’t talk about their financial health. Money is the last taboo. When things are out of balance with your finances, everything else is affected.

We realize that financial wellness is part of the bigger picture. It’s part of making the other aspects of your life and health — physical, mental and emotional, work for you too.

Financial wellness is about aligning your money with your goals. Using money as a tool to live your dream lifestyle — making sure your money is actually working for you and helping you live a life you love.  

How to Boost Your Financial Wellness

There’s no denying that many people live paycheck-to-paycheck. Millennials are saddled with high student loan debt and many are experiencing stagnant wages. But those stats don’t need to put you in a box.

Despite all obstacles, you can work hard at financial wellness.

Step 1: Identify your goals.

What do you really want out of life? There are no right or wrong answers here. Forget what you’ve learned or what your parents want you to do or what society thinks you should do. What do YOU want?

Maybe you want to travel the world, or buy a house, or start your own business. Maybe you want to pay for your kids college so they don’t have student loan debt. Maybe you want to move to a cabin in the woods or maybe you want to live the high life in NYC. Whatever you truly want, write it down.

Step 2: Look at your income and expenses.

Look at your income and expenses. Cut out things you don’t absolutely love and see if you can negotiate some of your bills. It never hurts to ask.

When looking at your income, think of how it aligns with your values and your goals. Does the money you make help you reach your goals or just “get by”? In the past, I was just getting by and it was hard. I felt stuck and hopeless. But I began to side hustle, earn more and boost my income. Earning more helped me live my dream lifestyle — moving to Los Angeles, traveling to Italy with my mom, and doing work I love.

Financial wellness isn’t about cutting back to the bone, but spending your money where it matters — on your big, crazy, audacious goals. On creating your dream lifestyle and using money as a tool.

Step 3: Identify what changes you need to make.

Just like physical health or emotional health, it’s important to check in with yourself and identify what changes you need to make to reach financial wellness. Look at your spending triggers and what situations or emotions encourage you to spend.

For me, this means cutting out emotional purchases or things that don’t make me happy in the long run.

Step 4: Commit to the process.

Financial wellness isn’t a state that you reach — it’s something you maintain. You have to work at it every day. Make sure you are saving enough for your present and future. Create not just an emergency fund but an opportunity fund to go after your goals.

Spend wisely and treat your money well and it will treat you well in return. Ask important questions when making a purchase. Read the fine print. Be your own financial advocate. And if you’re feeling lost, get a financial wellness check up with a financial advisor, money counselor or coach.

You don’t need to be alone. I hope you join the conversation on social media using #TheRoad2016. Share your financial wellness tips and learn more from other fantastic bloggers. Check out an event near you!


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Jason Vitug June 2, 2016 - 5:39 pm

Thanks so much for being a major part of this road trip and blog tour. I love that “treat your money well.” I couldn’t agree more.

Brian @ Debt Discipline June 3, 2016 - 5:17 am

I’m glad to be a part of this initiative! So important to be furthering this discussion. If you need help don’t be afraid to ask.

Monica Louie June 4, 2016 - 11:19 am

Such great advice, Melanie! I especially love the parts about creating an opportunity fund and being your own financial advocate. No one is going to do it for you, but there are people who will help you. 🙂

Tre June 5, 2016 - 8:37 am

I love this idea! Can’t make it to Cambridge on the 9th, but hopefully I’ll be able to make one of the other New England stops.

Jen @ Frugal Millennial June 5, 2016 - 1:23 pm

I’m happy to be a part of this! Talking about financial wellness openly is so important.

Shannon @ Financially Blonde June 7, 2016 - 1:03 pm

You bring up the great point that financial wellness is nothing without your physical and emotional health. The best case scenario is all of these colliding at once to create a beautiful existence. At least until Mercury goes into retrograde again. 😉

Catherine Alford June 7, 2016 - 3:08 pm

Yes! I couldn’t agree more with your advice Melanie!

Colin Ashby June 8, 2016 - 4:09 am

This is such an awesome event!! I wish I could go but still living the expat life in Thailand right now (I have to miss FinCon as well).

I’ve been following along on social media though!

Dividendsdownunder June 9, 2016 - 3:20 pm

This is a really cool idea, I hope it goes really well for everyone involved 🙂

Great financial steps, I’d like to think we are doing all we can with that.


Morgan June 24, 2016 - 10:13 am

Wow, this is awesome! Building a good financial foundation for yourself can be really difficult, but it can be done! Thanks so much for sharing your tips! Enjoyed reading this!

Melanie June 25, 2016 - 7:00 pm

Awww, thanks!

Chinkee Tan August 9, 2016 - 10:11 pm

Thanks for these inspirational and motivating tips !! your article helped me save and think more about my saving patterns. keep up !!

Melanie August 18, 2016 - 8:54 pm

Awesome, thanks!

Christina October 27, 2016 - 8:18 am

You make a great point about committing to the process of financial wellness. This is not a one step plan, it is something you maintain, just as you shared.

Ruby J. Cummings November 15, 2016 - 12:03 am

Hi Buddy
I like your post. You explain every in very easy manner.
And Research has shown that people with money problems usually end up being tense, worried and depressed. The Centre for Financial Social Work has stated that “money issues are the greatest stressor in peoples’ lives.” Financial distress can actually lead to insomnia, high blood pressure, migraines and other serious health concerns.
Please share more post 🙂

Jacob Lageveen January 6, 2017 - 2:43 am

Many more people should be interested in these kind of things. Now in a time of crisis for most, we need to find alternative methods to take care of our finances. Either with finding more alternative sources, or with being creative with budget. Great article.

MarkPillow February 15, 2017 - 12:21 pm

Nice post! Thanks a lot for being a big part of this tour. And also thanks for sharing it with us.

Aparna @ Elementum Money December 7, 2017 - 12:52 am

Apart from the information about the event, I really loved how you put down a simple (but not easy) 4-step process on how to boost your financial wellness.


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